EEF2016 – Past, Present and Future
The Engineering Education Forum (EEF2016) intends to be a place for the discussion and debate of “Engineering Education”. It will focus on past, present and future trends, with the objective of increasing the awareness of the stakeholders for this thematic and promoting the integration between Students, Teachers, Industry and Society. With a special focus on Students, this event will gather and connect all the main actors, so that not only the Education of Engineering itself can be discussed, but mostly its impact over the several levels of society that the students will one day find and interact with. It will be an assessment experience, but it will also be an event to pave new routes and discuss solutions. It will gather data, analyse it, program the steps for a better engineering training and start to work on its implementation. Sessions will be organized over a round-table format, with reference personalities of all involved fields and most relevant institutions. This event will be only the beginning of a path towards a true impact on society and on the way we teach engineering.
Date > June 22, 2016
Place > Department of Mechanical Engineering (Universidade de Aveiro)
> Program
0800-0900 Registration
0900-0930 Opening Session
0930-0950 Modeling Teaser [Past]
0950-1100 Round table and open discussion
1100-1130 Coffee-Break
1130-1150 Analysis Teaser [Present]
1150-1300 Round table and open discussion
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1450 Conceptualisation Teaser [Future]
1450-1600 Round table and open discussion
1600-1630 Coffee-Break
1630-1650 Prototyping Teaser [Future]
1650-1800 Round table and open discussion
1800-1830 Next Iterations…
First event challenge : what do you expect of the engineer of the future?
Round tables
> Session 1 – Modeling
Teaser: Eduardo Marçal Grilo (Presidente do Conselho Geral, Universidade de Aveiro)
Moderator: Nilza Costa (Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro)
Table members: Paulo Vila Real (Vice-Reitor, Universidade de Aveiro); António Cunha (Reitor da UM, Presidente do CRUP, Membro da EUA); Pedro Saraiva (Professor da Universidade de Coimbra); Cristina Simões (Diretora do ISDOM); Pedro Barros (Engenheiro pela UC, estudante de doutoramento)
> Session 2 – Analysis
Teaser: Manuel Carlos Gameiro da Silva (Presidente da SPEE, Professor da Universidade de Coimbra)
Moderator: José Manuel Oliveira (Professor na ESTGA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Table members: Luís Reis (Siemens, Portugal); Armando da Silva Afonso (Presidente do Conselho Diretivo, Região Centro, Ordem dos Engenheiros); José Diogo Pimentel (Associação de Estudantes do ISEP)
> Session 3 – Conceptualisation
Teaser: António Moreira Teixeira (Universidade Aberta, European Distance and E-Learning Network)
Moderator: Carlos Pedro Ferreira (CEO Grupo SONDAR, Presidente da Associação de Antigos Alunos da Universidade de Aveiro)
Table members: Paulo Ferreira (Diretor do Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, UA); José Carlos Quadrado (Vice-presidente da Escola de Engenharia – ISEP); Alcino Lavrador (General Manager da Altice Labs), Sara Soares (Grupo GLN), Daniela Melo (Estudante MIEM, Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica – NEEMec)
> Session 4 – Prototyping
Teaser: Open Teaser
Moderator: Vítor Costa (Diretor, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Aveiro)
Table members: Gonçalo Paiva Dias (Vice-Reitor, Universidade de Aveiro); Maria Teresa Restivo (Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto); Ricardo Lopes Ferro (System & Product Certification Manager, Bureau Veritas Portugal); António Novais (Diretor Geral do grupo Pecol); Nuno Matos Santos (antigo estudante, Engenharia Civil, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria)
> EEF registration (required, no fees)