Bárbara was graduated in 1999, took her Master Science degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at the University of Aveiro in 2006 and her Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering in May of 2017. Currently she is Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro and Manager of Science and Technology of the Research Unit TEMA.. In 2009, 2013 and 2014 she was a monitor of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Summer Academy at the University of Aveiro, monitoring the dissemination of the work in the department of mechanical engineering students in secondary education sessions (2009 and 2013) and in 2014 she presented a session entitled “Entrepreneurship and Engineering”. Bárbara has been an assistant lecturer from October 2000 to February 2001 in the Electrotechnical Engineering Department of Technological and Management Superior School (ESTG) at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and had been teaching since 2001 in the Department of Electrical Engineering School of Technology and Management at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria until 2016. She has also taught at the University of Bremen as a member of the partnership between ESTG and the University of Bremen, Germany, the Erasmus Mundus program for teachers. As relevant technical skills for this proposal, Bárbara works in the campaign “Science: it’s a girl thing” energized by the European Commission – Research and Innovation, been a member of the network “Hands-on Science” since July 2014, is an effective Member of the Order of Engineers, is an expert member in HEInnovate, promoted by European Commission and OECD, has prepared activity reports as pivot between the University of Aveiro and the pole of competitiveness TICE.PT and produced of educational materials for courses: theoretical syllabus, theoretical and practical syllabus and laboratory protocols. Currently she is a member of the Municipal Assembly of the City Council of Ílhavo, district of Aveiro.