Acknowledgment – Engineering Education Forum

SEE working group thanks all participants for embracing the challenge of integrating the Engineering Education Forum 2016: Past, Present and Future (FEE16). It was with the contribution of each and every one that this event achieved such a success, accomplishing the objective of thinking and discussing, in an integrating and coherent manner, the Teaching of Engineering in Portugal. An acknowledgment is also due to the support from all the involved entities.

Further news will be available soon, FEE16 was only the first step in this commitment to the improvement of Engineering Education.


O SEE working group agradece a todos os participantes por terem abraçado o desafio que constituiu integrar o Fórum Educação em Engenharia 2016: Passado, Presente e Futuro (FEE 2016). Foi graças a todos e a cada um que o evento teve um enorme sucesso, cumprindo o objectivo de pensar e discutir, de forma integradora e coerente, o Ensino da Engenharia em Portugal. Um agradecimento também ao apoio de todas as entidades envolvidas.

Brevemente receberão mais notícias, o evento FEE16 foi apenas o primeiro passo neste compromisso com a melhoria da Educação em Engenharia.

Engineering Education Forum 2016

EEF2016 – Past, Present and Future

The Engineering Education Forum (EEF2016) intends to be a place for the discussion and debate of “Engineering Education”. It will focus on past, present and future trends, with the objective of increasing the awareness of the stakeholders for this thematic and promoting the integration between Students, Teachers, Industry and Society. With a special focus on Students, this event will gather and connect all the main actors, so that not only the Education of Engineering itself can be discussed, but mostly its impact over the several levels of society that the students will one day find and interact with. It will be an assessment experience, but it will also be an event to pave new routes and discuss solutions. It will gather data, analyse it, program the steps for a better engineering training and start to work on its implementation. Sessions will be organized over a round-table format, with reference personalities of all involved fields and most relevant institutions. This event will be only the beginning of a path towards a true impact on society and on the way we teach engineering.

Date > June 22, 2016

> more on this here

> registration registration

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SEE working group

The Science and Engineering Education group is a team of Higher Education Teachers and Investigators from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, in Portugal. This team is focused on the study and development of skills that are essential to the teaching of engineering related fields, namely the ones closest to mechanical engineering at the university level. To achieve the goal of enhancing these skills, both for teachers and students, this group works in a constant effort to develop activities for the interaction with young students and to attract them to the engineering world.